The Defogging Debacle: How to Defog Your Windshield Quickly

Houston Windshield RepairThe right strategies for defogging your auto glass will ensure clear visibility and reduce the risk of accidents. Temperature often plays an important role in determining the best approach to defogging your windshield. Your Houston windshield repair company may be able to provide you with expert guidance on the right defogging solutions for your vehicle.

Cold Weather Outside

During the colder winter months, fog can form on the inside of your Houston auto glass to obscure your vision and prevent you from driving safely. Most Houston windshield repair experts recommend using the following steps to remove fog when it is colder outside your car than inside:

  • Open your vehicle windows for a short period to allow fresh air to enter your car, truck or SUV. This is especially important for vehicles that have been stored indoors for 12 hours or more.
  • Turn your vehicle’s defrost to its hottest setting.
  • Turn on the AC setting to extract moisture from the air hitting your windshield.
  • Turn your climate control system to fresh air intake rather than recirculated air.
  • Wait for the fog to clear before driving away.

This process will typically produce fast results and allow you to see clearly from behind the wheel.


Hot Weather Defogging


During hot weather in our area, running your air conditioning system can sometimes result in condensation on the outside of your windshield. This is especially likely when the temperature outside is much higher than the temperature inside your car or truck. The process for clearing away this fog is similar to that used in colder weather but requires a few tweaks to ensure the best results:


  • Turn on your windshield wipers. This will remove excess moisture from the outside of your windshield.
  • If practical, change the flow of your climate control system to move it away from the windshield. This can prevent the build-up of moisture on your windshield while keeping the inside of your vehicle cool and comfortable.
  • Turning down your air conditioner to allow the inside of your car to warm up can also provide added help in countering fogginess on hot and humid days.


At Apple Glass, we specialize in the most advanced Houston glass repair procedures to restore your vehicle to its original pristine condition. Our Houston windshield repair team can come to your location or provide you with outstanding service in one of our two brick-and-mortar locations. We also offer residential glass services to repair or replace window panes, mirrors, tabletops and many other glass installations in your Houston home. Call us today at 713-680-1400 in Houston or at 281-296-0600 in The Woodlands to schedule an appointment with us. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

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It is refreshing to see that customer service is still applied with pride in some places…

Adrian Saenz August 10, 2016

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The man who came and replaced our glass was so nice and professional. Would you please thank him for us?

Laura Gibson August 10, 2016

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